Property sale
Amrita Imoti is the leader in the luxury real estate market in Bulgaria and has set the standards in the highest segment, serving corporate and wealthy clients. We have a rich database and help buyers and sellers realize their dreams. We have accumulated the experience and knowledge, thanks to which we are able to offer you high quality services at an international level, potential customers, personal treatment, loyalty and correctness
Want to find out how much your home is really worth?
Why trust Amrita Properties to sell your home?
The successful sale of a luxury property begins with the selection of a consultant and the determination of market objectives. Let our professional real estate consultants give you the right guidance on how to successfully sell your property. Efficient and discreet in their work, they draw on their experience to provide a realistic assessment of the market
Our experts will prepare a special Comparative Market Analysis and determine the exact market price as well as the group of potential customers for your property. Amrita Real Estate regulates its relationship with each client at the initial meeting. The mediation agreement clearly describes our commitments to the client
Our consultants are supported by an efficient marketing team whose campaigns, innovative applications and advertising programs ensure quality representation of your homes. This means a wider range of communication channels through which to reach potential customers and faster realization of the property